1st Chairperson
Elke Hessel has been involved with the association for more than 25 years, always in close consultation with Dagyab Rinpoche. She has been to Tibet and India very often and has been able to travel to the Dagyab region three times so far. Since 2010 she has been the director of the Tibetan Cultural and Educational Institute Tibethaus Germany: www.tibethaus.com
2nd Chairman
To our great joy, Tulku Tenzin Thösam has been on board since 2020. He was born in Tibet, completed his education in exile at the Ratö monastery and earned a Master's degree at the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics. He is currently studying Tibetology at the University of Hamburg and is also the head of the Art and Culture Department at Tibet House Germany. Thösam Rinpoche is perfectly suited to supervise the projects in exile, as he knows India and Nepal very well, the mentality, the peculiarities and the languages.
The Dagyab e. V. as a registered association
The Dagyab e. V. is exempt from corporate income tax according to § 5 para. 1 no. 9 of the German Corporate Income Tax Act, which means that we are allowed to issue tax-deductible donation receipts (called "Spendenquittungen" until 1999).
If you give us your name and address on your remittance slip, you will automatically receive such a confirmation from our treasurer at the beginning of the following year.
Of course, our donors also regularly receive the annual report of the association by post, generally in spring.
At this point we would like to mention our donation account at the Sparkasse Südliche Weinstraße, Landau:
IBAN: DE 70 5485 0010 0135 0601 50
If you wish, you can make an earmarked donation for a specific project by indicating this on the remittance slip.
About Dagyab e.V. itself:
We are in no way an association that pursues any political goals in Tibet or in exile. Rather, we want to offer the people of Dagyab and Minyak help in overcoming very basic problems such as education and health care. In doing so, we specifically strive to help traditionally rather neglected groups, such as the nuns.
The association does not see itself as a membership association that fulfils its tasks through the largest possible number of dues-paying members. In this way, the founders of Dagyab e.V. wanted to keep the administrative costs, which experience has shown to be involved, as low as possible. The time that is already spent extensively should be available for the actual work for Tibetans.
For example, it is our custom to only accept new members at the general meeting, and this is done gladly if they have regularly worked actively for the association.
Those who wish to support the aims of the association have many different ways of doing so,
- be it with a one-time donation
- with a regular donation
- with a regular "contribution", which our treasurer will collect by direct debit, if you so wish
- by taking over a sponsorship
- by organising benefit events of all kinds
- or by asking for donations in favour of the association instead of presents for a special birthday
- or by advertising the aims of our association to your friends, etc.